Wednesday, 23 May 2012

How to Improve Your Self-image

Could your self esteem have fallen on the wayside just like the leaves from the trees or gone into hibernation with the bears? Without wasting more time, start making preparation for your lost esteem. Regardless whether your self confidence is fading, growing stronger or have already disappeared; it makes a lot of sense for us to nurture it. Your self appreciation powers you up to withstand unpleasant and tough times without even flinching. We get bliss and happiness when living is easy. 

The following are effective means that can be applied to improve your self confidence through enhancing your self image.

Outline all your positive qualities:

Focus on your strengths. List all assets and strengths that make you better such as experiences, skills, social and physical resources and talents among other things that make you feel great about yourself. Include all the compliments that you have been given by others. Letting yourself remember all your valuable assets is a sure way to keep you motivated to face each new day with greater self-esteem.

Accept yourself:

When you realize that you are a one desirable package as opposed to being a single individual item, your self image is greatly enhanced. Admit that you are not above reproach but the few shortcomings should not undermine your entire intricate, multifaceted and desirable package. Consider taking your photograph where you are broadly smiling and paste it in a suitable place such as a bathroom mirror. Each time you look at the smile, the image should help you to think of the positive characteristics that make you.

Trust in your competence:

Make a list of the challenges that you have successfully overcome. This increases your self appreciation since you get confidence that if you tacked other problems in the past successfully, at least you have knowledge, ingenuity and skills that can help you to combat the new challenge. Your past success is very essential in enhancing your courage. If you doubt your capability, just take note of al the challenges you have successfully accomplished irrespective of how small they might have been. Ensure to congratulate yourself if the challenge required greater effort and pat yourself on the back.

Believe in your worth:

This is improvement of your self image. You need to recognize that you are important and sometimes you will have to disappoint others to accomplish your goals. Just think of essential things that you would like to do and get them done. Demand for what you want and create a room for saying no for the things that are not very good for you. When you accept that you also deserve respect, you will have the self confidence to do what you desire whether others are approving it or not. 

Flash back:

Just try to think about some recent misfortunes you had and things went amiss. Compel yourself to name at least 5 things that you successfully combated even after some things having gone amiss. This is a sure way of enhancing your self image and self worth too.  

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